FROM THE TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM TO THE INVERTED CLASSROOM: strategies for education in the digital age
Digital technology, Active Methodology, Teaching Strategies, Learning StructuresAbstract
The Inverted Classroom opens up a range of possibilities for possible changes to education without ignoring the challenges of the hybrid method for teaching and learning. Disruptive media have a strong ally in hybrid education, imposing a trajectory on educational practices, whose educational relations are based on horizontality, and whose concentration is in the inversion of the traditional domains that until then guided the pedagogical practices. The proposal around the Inverted Classroom is not static. It needs a reading of the behavior and relationships of the digital native with the environment that surrounds him every day. Hybrid teaching as a sustainable educational practice cannot be thought of only as a one-off action, it needs to become a way of life and constitute a conscious process that rethinks the development of skills and overcoming limits based on each developed action. It is reaffirmed that all partnerships are welcome, as highlighted in the reports with successful educational experiences regarding the qualification of the hybrid teaching process, the inverted classroom.
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