THERAPY AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION: a psychological approach with autistic individuals


  • Joelma Caparroz Universidad Europea del Atlántico



Cognitive skills, Education, Diversity, Autism


The aim of this article is to provide a foundation for introducing the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of social therapy and its practical application as a group intervention. This approach is developed from a postmodern Marxist perspective and is inspired by Vygotsky's developmental theory. Social therapy is a performative form of therapy that remains relatively unknown in Brazil. In this article, we first present the historical development of this perspective and its main authors. Following this, we discuss its concepts and methodology, and finally, we explore its practice and group work approach, which are the hallmarks of this therapy. With its focus on building group cohesion and promoting emancipation, social therapy is presented as a powerful approach for group work aimed at fostering social change.


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How to Cite

Caparroz, J. . (2024). THERAPY AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION: a psychological approach with autistic individuals. Open Minds International Journal, 5(2), 64–72.