Playfulness, Nurseries, Learning, Children, BNCCAbstract
The objective was to analyze how teachers understand playfulness in the teaching process and its relevance for learning in a public daycare center in the municipality of Queimadas-PB. It was a qualitative research with an exploratory-descriptive procedure method, where questionnaires with open and closed questions applied to nine teachers were used. The analysis of the results showed that the research participants understand the child development process and recognize the importance of playfulness in their pedagogical practices, in the teaching and learning process. The study indicated that the participants have acquired knowledge that ensures their playful educational actions. The investigations, according to the theoretical framework and statements of the teachers, led us to conclude the need for a restructuring or in-depth training regarding pedagogical practices related to the knowledge of the Common National Curricular Base, indicating, therefore, the need to train these active teachers and future generations, about this new perspective of reference, as well as getting to know and use it in their pedagogical mediations.
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