Translation., Adaptation., Parody., Intertextuality., Theoretical articulation.Abstract
Departing from the reading of theories that raise themes as translation, adaptation and parody, we see that there is an intertextual link between them, making possible here a theoretical articulation. The theoretical instrumental starts from names like Silviano Santiago, Linda Hutcheon, Gerard Genette, Umberto Eco, among other critical names, whose reflections we list here by domain of performance and approximation. After comparing the theoretical articulation of these domains, it can be noted that there is an intertextual bridge among them, not seeing here as a segregation, but a fruitful conjunction on the way in which these themes in the field of Letters and Arts dialog with the presence of intertexts, even because if we think of theories of translation, adaptation, parody and intertextuality, each statement is a reinterpretation, an intertextual presence (even if not explicit) of a previous theoretical proposition. Thus, within the scope of theory, this work here chooses to show separately how each of these themes dialogues with the theory of intertextuality.
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